If you have not heard the first two sessions of this series, please listen to them first or you will be totally lost.
In this session, Mr. Calvert discovers the 7 Entrepreneurial mindsets and what it takes to develop a jet fuel mindset, and why most entrepreneurs never accomplish this level.
2) READY FIRE – AIME entrepreneurs
3) Ready – Aim- Fire
4) Ready fire fire fire fire fire fire fire and fire again entrepreneurs.
5) Mature Entrepreneur
6) Jet Fuel Entrepreneur
7) Whale
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Stay in the Loop on Dale’s vetted crypto plays. https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/27/dales-loop
SPHERE Finance Auto Staking & Compounding Crypto Protocol EXPLAINED https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/04/13/sphere-finance
Dale’s Metaverse Mansion https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/04/19/real-estate-nfts