In this session, you are going to hear something that you have never heard, ever, in the history of network marketing. Dale is calling it the $100,000 Challenge in 2022.
Dale will explain how he can teach anyone who has never been involved in network marketing, or never met a profit how to create a $100,000+ Income over the next 12 months. With only one hour of training, Dale will show exactly what and where to copy and paste what he calls the perfect promotion.
You must be willing to devote 5 hours a week to this activity, and because of the data collected thus far, and the timing of this unique opportunity Dale believes anyone who follows this system will set themselves up over the next 12 months to earn $100,000+ on the side over the next 12 months. He is calling this the $100K Challenge for 2012 and this podcast will give you the details.
Websites mentioned in this session
The $100,000 a Year in 12 Months Opportunity
Ben Calvert Dale’s dad on Side Gig Income, Keeping a Journal,
& Building a Real Business
Programming Your Mind for Success
Behind the Scenes
What is the Programming Your Mind for Success Membership?