This is not a topic I feel comfortable talking about, BUT I FEEL THE TIME IS NOW.Some of you may or may not have heard that the FTC has contacted virtually every active network marketing company in the USA a few days ago on Oct. 26th notifications /warnings went out, mainly around the issue of income claims.

Honestly, this is nothing new, except for the fact they have basically put every company in the USA on notice.

The real issue is the anti-MLM movement is alive and well, and many former & current distributors do not understand the difference between an illegal pyramid scheme and the network marketing business model. However, some disgruntled former distributors’ complaints have merit. Over the years I have seen many value-focused leaders slip into predatory business practices. At any time if you are encouraging people or pressuring them to do more volume than their auto-ship requirements, to buy more product than they need that month, etc., so you can reach a rank, car bonus, or any other contest, or award YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!
Resources and websites mentioned in the article.

The 2 MIN IHub Global Video (Must See)

THE FTC Article

The Most Deranged News Story in History

FREE Network Marketing is a Scam Training Course