In this session, Dale talks about the past, present, and future of network marketing lead generation. He calls this Lead Generation 5.0 Message to Marketing Funnel System. If you are a listener that truly understand that your job a network marketing recruiter is finding the right people at the right time in their life, this session will help you. Dale talks about why people grossly underestimate the number of exposure they need to be making on a weekly basis, and much more.

Websites Referenced in this Session:
Dale USA APLGO Launch Page –
Choosing a Network Marketing Opportunity with True Upside Potential –
$100 Bill Drop Cards –
Master Network Marketing Lead Generation 4.0 –
Dale Calvert Infomercial –
Email Marketing for Network Marketers (Build an email list and make money with it) –
Building an Email List (The most important skill for an Entrepreneur) –