Where are you on your network marketing path to success? Are you behind schedule or ahead of schedule? What is the next significant milestone on your path? In this session, Dale will give you insights into the network marketing success journey that can only come from 35+ years of experience. This will give you a compass, a gage for you and every member of your team as you continue to move forward and develop the skill sets and mindsets required, for network marketing success. When you are finished with this session you should have a clear understanding of where you are, the milestone in front of you and where your focus should be.

Websites Mentioned in this session:

Dale’s Private MLM Training Club www.MLMTrainingClub.com

The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason order here: https://amzn.to/2LC6iEL

The 9 Most Important Milestones in a Network Marketers Career Webinar Training: https://youtu.be/8kV9Tx0rzqA