MLM Success Stories Podcast
Dale had this to say about Bob Armstrong. “Like many of the wonderful people I have had the opportunity to work with over the years, Bob Armstong has passed on. His last day on earth was 11/25/2016. From a small town in Indiana, Bob developed one of the strongest organizations on our team. I t was awesome to see Bob fulfill his dreams of traveling the world to China, London England and many other destinations. While we didn’t always see eye to eye, I respected him, his leadership, and his willingness to speak his mind. The profession needs more people who are willing to take on the responsibility of leadership and the work ethic of Bob Armstrong.” “Formal education makes you a living, you become self-educated you can create a
fortune” Bob Armstrong is a perfect example of that truth.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
This podcast is hosted by 30 year network marketing pro Dale Calvert. Dale has always taught “If you build people, people will build the business.”His unique, innovative system and programs have been implemented by many full-time pros around the world.
This remarkable story will inspire you and confirms that persistence always pays off. I remember the first night Joy got started with the program. I promised her that if she gave us one year we would change her life. She is the definition of the word.
For those of you that have invested in our program, have heard us talk about our handwritten postcard recruiting campaign. This is how Kim & her husband Steve were originally sponsored into the network marketing industry. Yes this method still works today because human nature is human nature. You probably have people on your team that are ready to give up on their dream. This is the story you need to share.
It is a very rare person that can process proven systems and just apply them without trying to shortcut them or add their own spin. David Cook had a better understanding of developing leaders based upon duplicable systems than anyone I have ever worked with. He started with zero network marketing experience and progressed straight to the top by simply being teachable, working hard and helping others get what they want.
In this session Dale will give you insights on prospecting, MLM lead generation, and network marketing recruiting that can only come from someone who personally recruited over 1,000 people in during his network marketing career and while building a worldwide teams in excess of 60,000 people. There is a reason Dale was always recognized as one of the top recruiters in the network he built and it had everything to do with systems and proven techniques. Dale’s systems are based upon human psychology and the predictability of people. There is not a prospecting and recruiting method Dale teaches that cannot be mastered by regular people. They have very little do with developing a brand, or personally attracting people because they know, like and trust you, or any of the other flawed concepts network marketers have been spewing for the past 15 years.
Can you sell product and enroll new distributors wearing a button? What should the button say? What do you say? How specifically do you respond? In this episode Dale will share with you how many of his MLM Students create 50 plus leads each week with a simple little button. Too cool to wear a button? “That just means your bonus check is not big enough yet.” If you are serious about creating leads for your products, we feel you will find this information valuable.
Most network marketers have no game plan for getting their business off of the ground and moving forward. If we are describing you, you are in the majority, so don’t feel bad. In this episode you will learn why doing business with those you know, like and trust makes sense when choosing a dry cleaners but not a network marketing upline team, and what to do if you have already made this common mistake, and how to make certain your team members never become part of the majority.

In this MLM Success Podcast Dale interviews Mark Holmes. Mark worked in the construction business for 29 years before joining network marketing industry. Today he is full-time with an organization of over 6,000 people in 40 different countries around the world. In this episode Mark shares with you the principles and insights that he believes can propel anyone who decides, to the top of the network marketing mountain.
In this MLM Success podcast episode Dale has a revealing discussion with George Madiou, publisher of “The Network Marketing Magazine.” George graduated from NYU with a degree in business and marketing and owned traditional businesses for eighteen years before discovering the network marketing business model by accident. In this episode Dale and George examine the network marketing industry today, their vision of the future, and what it really takes to build a large, duplicating team in today’s network marketing environment.
Dale considers Brad Bradford to be one of the best students, (who became a great leader) he has ever personally worked with. In 2010 Brad joined a company that Dale had a corporate training and consulting contract with. In this interview you will receive insights into not only what it takes to become a great student, but how to implement what you learn and become a great leader. Dale has taught the concept of identifying future leaders on your team, and getting them to a point of delegation so that they can continue to develop new leaders. We hope you find this session insightful and thought provoking and as always your comments, questions, and feedback are welcome.
In this Ask Dale Section of the podcast Dale Calvert will share with you valuable insights on how young distributors in their twenties can share their business opportunity with Baby Boomers. You will also learn why Dale believes that your chronological age means nothing as it relates to the opportunity offered by your company and your ability to grow a large, duplicating network marketing team.
Scott and Linda ask questions about drop cards. Dale speaks to the importance, relevance, and return on investment of drop cards and how to best use them in network marketing.
This thought provoking interview network marketing leader Sue Austin will inspire you. There is no question that you will immediately think of someone on your team that needs to hear Sue’s story. Sue worked as a waitress, hair dresser, medical records transcriptionist before discovering the network marketing business model. An avid learner, she plugged in, learned everything she could, took action and today she is a six figure earner living the lifestyle many dream of. The best part, she is still learning, progressing and moving her business forward daily. Enjoy!
In this episode Dale will share with you the time management systems that he has taught to help part-time network marketers get in a rhythmic flow that ultimately has helped thousands of distributors create full-time network marketing incomes. If you are a part-time network marketer struggling to create consistent results, grab a pencil and paper and listen to this podcast.
MLM Insights that will help network marketers no matter where you are in the world. Dale discusses duplication, prospecting, uplines, and other tough topics with answers that can only come from a leader with over 35 years experience and a track record of helping distributors develop six figure incomes around the world.
Carol Ely is one of the strongest directional leaders I ever had the opportunity to work with. She was a housewife, that didn’t even know what network marketing was when I met her, and she went on to develop an organization of tens of thousands of well trained distributors around the world before retiring a few years ago. When the right people find the right systems, success with the network marketing business model is virtually guaranteed. Without the right systems good people end up like the other 97% of people who come and go through this industry. Listen and learn from the great Carol Ely.
Years ago someone sent me a research paper around the topic called “Wistful Regret”. The research outlined in the article made a huge impact me on the time. Hellen Keller said “Hell starts when the person we are, meets the person we could have become”. Over time I misplaced the article, butI am thankful to have found the recording/training I did a week orso after I was given the article. I am happy to have theopportunity to pay it forward and share it with you in this week’s MLM Success Podcast session. The audio quality is not that good, butthe warning of Wistful Regret can be live changing.
In session 13 we introduced you to Brad Bradford. Dale considers Brad to be one of the best students he has had the opportunity to work with over the past 30+ years. In session 21 we want to re-introduce you to Brad and share a training he did at a past event called USA , Urgency, Sort, All Numbers. Dale has always taught wisdom of the ages success principles that he knows when internalize and implemented create predictable results. The them throughout this podcast has been “If you build people, people will build the business” and Brad Bradford is a great example of that.
Since 1983 Dale has been developing teams of people who master the basics, the core fundamentals of developing a duplicating network marketing organization. The session was filmed before a live audience and I hope it will drive home the fact that if you want to develop a strong organization you must help them master the basics while understanding “Their aint no fu fu dust”.
The examples Dale uses in this presentation will relate with any example of other skill sets you have developed in your life. This will be a session you will want every member of your network marketing team to hear.
“In the beginning you can make up in numbers what you lack in skill.” – Jim Rohn. The bottom line when it comes to success is network marketing is simply numbers. It always has been and IT ALWAYS WILL BE. Your goal on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis is expose as many people to the FULL STORY as you can. How you do this varies from company to company. Most companies have a weekly event that you work towards. Today these are usually in the form of weekly opportunity webinars or conference calls. At the time this training was recorded most teams were built around weekly live opportunity meetings, thus the title “Fannies in Chairs”. However the concept of weekly exposures will never change. The reality is, there are X number of people you are going to have to expose to your product(s) and opportunity before you will achieve your current goal. The formula we have taught for years is X number of exposures = goal fulfilled. I don’t know what your number is, you don’t know, but we both know YOU HAVE A NUMBER! It is our goal that this week’s sessions will drive the point home at a level you may have never really thought about.
Lindsey Bennett asks for clarification about making a list of 50 people that you want to launch your business with. Dale talks in more detail about your “dot” list and how best to organize it.
Build your Business by Will or Duplication
Author of “From Broke, Busted and Disgusted To A Million Dollars A Year- The Cedric Penn Story”
Humble Beginnings Cedric the youngest of eight children was born to hard working parents in rural Pennsylvania, who instilled deep rooted core values in each of their children. Despite Cedric s parents insistence on higher education, the likelihood of Cedric becoming a third generation coal mine or steel mill worker was a strong possibility. However, the young Cedric fostered a dream, will and determination to live a different life than that which awaited him after completing his high school years. In the Midst of Change Ironically because of his unique athletic ability, Cedric s assumed fate began to change, with the Milwaukee Brewers offering him a contract, for which he declined, prior to graduating from high school, opting instead to receive full scholarships in both baseball and football to various universities around the country. Ultimately, Cedric chose Purdue University but later transferred to Western Kentucky where he played as an All-American, graduated and anticipated being a NFL draft pick. But, adversity called Cedric s name and he found himself in disarray, living in his car and in housing projects while relying on transitional assistance for food. Although his situation seemed dismal, Cedric refused to adopt a defeatist attitude and began to fight for the life that he wanted to live. The Journey to Success From Broke, Busted and Disgusted To A Million Dollars A Year- The Cedric Penn Story candidly takes the reader on a roller coaster ride of the ups and downs of starting a business and selling it to a major wireless company, to the pitfalls of losing it all during the aftermath of 9/11, followed by a tragic accident, spiritual epiphany, and the triumphant spirit of a man who refuse to let circumstance dictate his outcome in business and in life. There will be people
on your team that you will want to share this remarkable story with. Make sure to get your copy of Cedrics book at:
What book should someone read or re-read when starting in Network Marketing? Dales gives a few a suggestions on key books that must be read.
Dale shares a powerful testimony from a MLM Success Podcast listener. Dale speaks about how commitment is needed be successful in the Network Marketing Industry.
Dale speaks about how important faith is in life. However, sometimes we can be so unbalanced in our faith, that we miss using wisdom in our business. While faith is essential for Dale, he also understands that there are fundamental tools that must be used in business that go hand-in-hand with our spiritual lives.
In this session Dale will discuss mentorship. How do you find the right success mentors? How do you find the right network marketing mentor? Why and when should you expect people to work with you. Why many good people repel the perfect prospects for their business and much more. Dale also offers a free PDF called Pinnacle MLM Leadership that is available at and a few more valuable free resources.
In this session, Dale speaks on mastering lead generation strategies. He will walk you through and give you the nuts and bolts on what has worked well for him throughout the years. He also talks about what doesn’t work and what to stay away from.
A Network Marketer asks Dale about a concept called “Invest, Learn, Teach”. Dale talks about his concerns with other concepts and what to focus on when growing in this business.
As 2016 rolls to a close, Dale talks about a simple but extremely impactful approach to having breakthroughs in life. The links spoken about in this podcast is and
To start out 2017, Dale catches up on questions that listeners asked in 2016.
In this session Dale talks about the importance of mentally and emotionally launching your network marketing business just like you would any small business in your neighborhood.
Dale feels that 95% of the distributors, who have participated in the network marketing business over the past 15 years or so, have never been taught how to actually launch their business.
In this session Dale will give you insights into the actual launch process and how to get your business off the ground and create customers and team members as quickly as possible.
If you have questions you can contact Dale here:
In this thought provoking session Dale will help you think through and review your natural thought process as it relates to questions, confusion, and excuses for not moving past limiting beliefs with your network marketing business.
Over your career you will have team members that need to hear this session.
You can learn more about Dale, and his deep network marketing training philosophies at
In this session Dale will share with you deep insights as it relates to lead generation and recruiting new members on your network marketing team.
Dale will also reveal why the #1 way to recruit people has always been #1 and always will be.
In this down to earth common sense episode Dale will share with you why the business model has moved away from wisdom and towards ideas that sound good on the surface but have proven not to work against natural human instinct. After this episode you will never look and lead generation and recruiting the same way.
Before you listen to this session ask yourself this question. If a normal looking person walked up to you in a big box store and said, I need a favor, can you help me out? What would your personal response be?
This is not a trick question. Really, how would you respond? Go it? Now listen to this episode not from a mental state based upon a philosophy you may have been sold, but from a down to earth, basic human nature perspective.
For a deeper insights on this topic watch the free recorded webinar
Don’t even consider letting a team member invest their advertising budget in genealogy leads until they have heard this session. In this episode Dale shares the history of genealogy leads and why all network marketing newbies should avoid them, and the most effective way for full time network marketers to expand their business with them.
In this session Dale will share with you why branding makes perfect sense in traditional business and is a flawed concept as it relates to building a real network marketing business with real customers and a duplicating distributor organization.
In this session Dale will share stories of many network marketing distributors that he would have saved countless numbers of unproductive hours and hundreds of dollars in wasted funds. If you are a career-minded network marketing distributor, you will learn why you should always ASK DALE first, and how easy it is to get straight answers to your lead generation and team building questions.
In this session you can eavesdrop in on Dale and his dad, Ben Calvert discussing their long history of working together and their entrepreneurial journeys. You will discover deep insights into why network marketing is the perfect personal development program and how to live a life that will inspire your family and all those around you.
In this session Dale will share with you exactly why a closing mentality is one of the biggest time wasters when building a network marketing team.
You will learn how this misguided mentality originated and the paradigm shift that will immediately turn the tables and stack the odds for success in your favor.
If you want to maximize your recruiting efforts and get the most positive results on the time you are investing in your business then prepare to listen closely and take notes. Dale will share with you proven terminology that you won’t get from any book on “Closing”.
You can keep up with Dale here:
Just like you can tell how big a building will be by looking at the foundation, Dale talks about how the principles and philosophies that you build upon ultimately determines the growth of your building. Dale goes into the equation of “X number of people exposed = reasons fulfilled.”
In this session Dale will take on of the most common frustrations active distributors experience. Organizations of people that do not take consistent action. You will learn insights into how to stack the odds of success in your favor and your team members in this episode.
In this session Dale will give insights into organic organizational growth and how building your local team on solid, common sense principles allows you to expand and develop a nationwide and worldwide organization.
Websites mentioned in this episode
Dale’s Podcast Facebook Group can be found here:
The opposite of wisdom is folly. Our business shouldn’t be one of them. What kind of business do you want, and what will it look like when you’re finished? In this session, Dale talks about the #1 most important recruiting mindset that you will ever develop in your Network Marketing Career.
In this session Dale will share with you insights into methods that are slowing down distributor growth and concepts that are not being utilized that can catapult your business forward.
The highlight of this podcast is a message Dale received from member Bernadette Christine Gladieux Michael which said ” This is what you do for us Dale Calvert and I am working on it for my team” It was a quote that said DON’T RESALE THE LIES YOU BOUGHT, OBLITERATE THEM SO KNOW ONE ELSE GETS A HOLD OF THEM & UNLEARN THEN REEDUCATE YOURSELF AND THEN TEACH WHAT IS TRUE! Enjoy this weeks session. A replay of this webinar is available to few online at
This is a recording of a podcast Dale recently conducted that created a huge buzz with network marketing leaders around the world. Dale’s truly believes that developing an ongoing, constant flow of leads for your products and opportunity is one of the easiest skill sets to master as long as you are following a proven, sequential , Blue Print to make that happen. That proven blueprint is what you will learn in this episode.
You can find a replay of this webinar
Website referenced
You can find copies of the overheads used in this presentation here:
Podcast Referenced in this episode can be found at:
In this episode you will hear the inspiring story of Shannon Denniston. Shannon started his business career as a fired up 18 year old distributor. Today he operates several very successful companies following the 3 step formula talked about in this episode 1) goal setting 2) systemizing his businesses and 3) hard work. No, Shannon doesn’t refer to it as his 3-Step formula but as you listen the theme is repeated over and over in different ways.
Prepare for to be inspired by Wisdom of the Ages Success Principles and truths that work for all who are willing to take action.
Websites mentioned in this episode
Dale’s Viper Video
Dale will share with you the correct way to get your new team member launch their business & become productive from the first day they join your network marketing team.
Websites discussed in this session
In this session 78 years young Asbjorn Olnes from Norwary will share with you deep insights he has learned over his 20 year network marketing career and his lifelong journey as an entrepreneur.
We hope this will inspire MLM Success podcasts listeners of all ages from all countries around the world.
Everyday the network marketing business model loses great people that feel they simply can’t do it anymore. They throw in the towel never realizing that there sincerely is a different level of leadership and productivity they are capable of. It is possible to systematically help their team achieve more, reignite and move forward and achieve rank promotions.. However the Leadership Development Paradigm Shift is required. Trudy had her’s and we hope you will share this episode with and upline, downline, or sideline members that are ready to experience their own. – In this special session Dale shares with you why every year more exposures are required to create customers and team members in your business and how the intelligent use of technology helps you achieve the number of exposures needed to reach your goals.
In this episode Dale covers a topic that virtually every network marketing distributor will have to confront at some point along their path. Fear of Failure, Fear of Rejection and Self-Limiting Beliefs. It is Dale’s hope that this episode will be a valuable resource that you can refer team members to over your career.
Websites mentioned in this episode
This week, Dale speaks with Chris Smith. Today, you will hear his story in Network Marketing, how it changed his life, and how he loves helping others.
In this weeks webinar Dale will talk about the world business climate, ENTREPRENEURSHIP and how and why network marketers MUST take their business to the next level, and must DO IT NOW! This is an interesting get real with the truths that create personal and business success session. Prepare for an intense mind tweak!Websites mentioned in this
In this episode Dale will discuss getting into a rhythm, a flow in your business and all the aspects associate with this. Why “The Start” STOPS most people, and how to get back in rhythm when life happens, and much more.
Websites mentioned in this episode
In this session Dale talks about the importance of relearning and reeducating yourself from the lies that you may have bought into in the beginning of your career.
Living Debt Free
Nathan Dickerson
This session features fellow Kentucky native Nathan Dickerson. Nathan will share with you how the DECISION to become debt free drastically changed his life and how all of our listeners can follow the same path to stress free, debt-free living
Dale has always taught network marketing is a business model that gives average people, with above average desire the opportunity to create generational wealth.
Becoming Debt Free is an import part of the six steps he teaches.
- When you are making $1000 more a month with your business part-time than you are with your full-time profession go full-time.
- As your income grows work towards paying off all debt except your home.
- After all debt is gone except your home go through a short TOYS stage. Pay cash for the dream car, or go on the family vacation to Hawaii.
- Pay off your Home and become 100% Debt Free
- Invest in income generating assets.
- You have made it when you have enough cash flow coming in from your investments to live a comfortable lifestyle.
We hope you enjoy this session with Mr. Dickerson. To order his book “Living Debt Free” visit and use discount code W9Q6EXQV and listeners of the MLM Success Podcast will receive a 40% discount.
Michael talks about his childhood and dealing with self-esteem. He talks about how one life event changed his life forever and how it can change yours, too.
This month Dale celebrates 37 years in the network marketing industry. He believes all career network marketers follow the same path. 97% of the people that enter the network marketing profession do not have the skill sets and mindsets to develop a large duplicating team of people. Those that do enter the profession with an “extra dose of something” credibility, business experience, sales, team building experience, etc., ultimately have challenges down the road duplicating. Dale believes that many people in today’s network marketing world are focused more on finding shortcuts and marketing hacks than they are developing the proper skill sets and mindsets that guarantee team building success. However there is a 4-letter word that all network marketing leaders at some point in their career must work through at different points in their career. “Dale will discuss this 4-letter word in this episode” You feedback, and comments are always appreciated. Reference — Dale
In this episode Dale will talk about how to share your opportunity and products so people listen. This episode will also help your communication with your spouse, children, co-workers and everyone else in your life.
In this session Dale will talk about why leaders must focus on the math, the skillsets, and the mindsets to help people on their team maximize their personal upside potential with the network marketing business model.
Websites referenced:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe
to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
Linked In…
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
In this session Dale references an article from Yahoo finance and the Top 25 Side Gig Income articles on Yahoo. A thought provoking session we hope you will enjoy.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Websites referenced in this session:
Dale’s Top side gig reccomendation : http://www.MarketingBeacon.Tech
Robert Kiyosaki “The Perfect Business”
Who Stole the America Dream Burke Hedges You can find Burke’s book on Amazon, or at the bottom of the resources page here:
Dale’s Generic Network Marketing Training System
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
Linked In…
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Since 1983 Dale has been teaching the 4 beliefs concept to network marketing leads. Believe in the company, product, network marketing business model, and yourself.
In this session Dale will raise some thought provoking questions, and interesting ideas. What is the difference between your personal opinions, attitudes, and beliefs and how much of a role do they play in your success or lack there of?
This will be a session that you will want to share with the new members on your team and possibly your upline leaders.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
Linked In…
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Dale speaks about the fear of rejection and working on the positives of hearing “no”. “No” saves us time so that we can move on to something else that will actually help us accomplishing our goals. Dale talks about not attaching emotion to hearing “no.”
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
Linked In…
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
During the network marketing industries largest growth swing in history those that jumped from company to company where called Network Marketing Junkies. Junkie is an obvious derogatory, but many times well deserved term.
Unfortunately today, jumping from company to company has become common business practice. Most of us know many people who have been involved in fifteen, twenty companies or more and never created any sustained success in any of them. In this session Dale talks straight to those people in hopes to rekindle their initial dreams and inspire them to get their business on track and stay on track. Many of our listeners know people who can benefit from this session it is our hope that you will send them to and share this episode with them.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
Linked In……
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Dale gives some simple tips on how to prepare for taxes when owning your own business and how to tax advantage of tax deductions.
There is no question that Dale has been asked more about Crypto Currency than any other topic over the past couple of years. In this week’s session Dale will share his personal thoughts on the topic.
You can also find several third party videos and articles here:
CoinBase is the #1 US Based Company to buy BitCoin
Dale is currently going through several training programs right now including.
Dale is not interested in learning more about any particular crypto currency programs or coins. He has scheduled and devoted the majority of time to this subject over the past 30 days and will just stay in the loop from this point forward.
Since 1983 Dale has been teaching the 4 beliefs concept to network marketing leads. Believe in the company, product, network marketing business model, and yourself.
In this session Dale will raise some thought provoking questions, and interesting ideas. What is the difference between your personal opinions, attitudes, and beliefs and how much of a role do they play in your success or lack there of?
This will be a session that you will want to share with the new members on your team and possibly your upline leaders.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
Linked In……
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
This podcast was inspired by Facebook posts from network marketing veterans Diane Hochman and Brian Mcmullen.
I have known both of these people for many years and so appreciate it when common sense knowledge and wisdom is shared in the Network Marketing Space. Do I agree with their views on everything related to building network marketing teams? Of course not, and I am sure they would say the same thing about me.
I believe the points covered in this session hit the nail squarely on the head, and I wanted to do my part to make sure these thoughts are preserved and didn’t get lost in Facebook oblivion. I hope you enjoy this session, and share it with those that can benefit from Diane an Brian’s wisdom.
Since 1983 Dale has been teaching the 4 beliefs concept to network marketing leads. Believe in the company, product, network marketing business model, and yourself.
In this session Dale will raise some thought provoking questions, and interesting ideas. What is the difference between your personal opinions, attitudes, and beliefs and how much of a role do they play in your success or lack there of?
This will be a session that you will want to share with the new members on your team and possibly your upline leaders.
Websites referenced in this podcast: (free webinar training) (Closed but you can be notified when it re-opens)
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents’ home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here (edited)
Since Dale first retired from building teams at age 39 there is probably no topic other than “Programming Your Mind for Success” that he has been asked to talked about more than network marketing lead generation.
In this session Dale talks about various lead generation methods, but more than that the importance of increasing your Vision of what you are ultimately doing to create consistent organizational growth.
In this session Dale talks about the exact formula to create a growing, thriving, network marketing team.
Have your note pad ready, because he refers you to several hours of solid free network marketing lead generation training.
Websites Referenced in this episode:
How to Master Network Marketing Lead Generation and become a Black Belt.
Billy Chambers video on creating leads with Postcards
Free email Safe List Training
$100 Bill Drop Card Info
Using Craigslist and online and offline Newspaper Advertising
How to Launch your Business Correctly
Various Trainings available free at
New Lead Generation Beacon Technology
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
n this session Dale goes deeper into a topic he has talked about for years. Dale has been attempting to communicate to network marketers and all entrepreneurs the fact that random business building tips and conflicting information from multiple gurus has created confusion and stagnation within the network marketing business model since web 1.0.
In this thought provoking session Dale goes deeper and believes that at this point we have gone from stagnation and confusion to depression.
The truth is in the future this is only going to get worse. It is the responsibility of leaders who see this negative occurrence happening within their organizations speak out, and give team members the knowledge to combat these
negative emotions. At the very least share this podcast episode with those in the profession you care about
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Set back, hold on, buckle your seat and adjust your thinking cap. Candace will share with you some insights and brain tweaks that takes most network marketing leaders decades to understand.
Keep in the loop on everything Candace has going on at
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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MLM Success…
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Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Dale shares some great insight in this podcast. Knowledge without action leads to self dillusion. Dale challenges us to think bigger when looking into the future of network marketing. If you are involved in Network Marketing, time is your biggest asset. What are you going to do with it?
In this session Dale answers a common question he receive from Action Takers who are in the market an producing responses to their promotions on a daily basis.
Thanks to Milton Carvalho, and everyone who provides feedback and questions regarding this podcast! WE DEPEND ON IT!
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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MLM Success…
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Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
In this session Dale goes back to 2000 and discusses Robert Allen’s book Multiple Streams of Income, whey it was written and the lack of real Success this tainted concept has created in the traditional business world and throughout the network marketing and direct sales professions.
Are you marketing products supplied by multiple network marketing companies?
Are you attempting to build multiple teams in multiple companies?
We hope you find this information thought provoking, valuable, and it will help you develop some foundational beliefs that will help you move forward in your business.
“Over the past 35 years I have met thousands of people who were earning $100,000 + with their network marketing business. I have never met ONE PERSON who was making $10,000+ from two or more companies attempting to BUILD two teams at the same time”Dale Calvert
As always your feedback, comments, and reviews are appreciated.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
This session applies to all entrepreneurs in virtually all markets who are parents operating side gig businesses.
How do you deal with the emotions of being away from your children? In this episode Dale will share with you insights acquired while raising three daughters from birth to college graduation while building his network marketing team.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
We realize that that this goes directly against what is considered best business practices in today’s network marketing world, but he strongly disagrees. As Dale has communicated many times over his career, just because a 1000 people are teaching it, doesn’t mean it makes sense.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Article and Recorded Webinar Training here:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
In this episode Dale talks about WHY , Fear of Failure and Fear of Rejection stops most people and what to do about it. This is an episode that you will want to internalize for yourself, and share with members of your team.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
In this session Dale will share with you exactly how he sponsored 113 people in 7 Days without trying. Network marketing is a very simple, yet very complex business.
Dale believes that anyone can become a Master Recruiter if they are promoting a product, services, or technology that they TRULY believe in.
In this session Dale will take you behind the curtain, and share with you how and why the large recruiting numbers we all hear about happen.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Do you have upline leadership pressing you to do 3-Way calls with them? Are you encouraging your team members to get you on the line with their people so you can close them?
This session will be a brain tweak. If you don’t personally need these insights now, you will in the future. You definitely know someone in your company, maybe a corporate officer that needs to hear this episode ASAP.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Dale does not believe that building a network marketing team, or the network marketing business model is for everyone. He does believe that anyone with the correct mentorship and work ethic can build a duplicating team.
In this thought provoking session Dale shares with you why most corporate executives would struggle building a team.
He will also guide you through a series of questions that will help you discover if this is the business model for you, or if you should find another vehicle to take you to your dream.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
In this session Dale will share with you the 7 points that guarantee you maximize your Success with the Network Marketing Business Model.
Miss one of these 7 and you can still make money, but it impossible to maximize your upside potential. If you want to make certain that you maximize the time and energy you spend developing your MLM team, this is a session you don’t want to miss.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
You are Already a Success on You Tube here:
MLM Mindsets on Amazon
Michael Penland Podcast
Dale’s Programming Your Mind for Success Course
Time Management Training
Dale’s No Fluff Podcast
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
We find it hard to understand why anyone is actually teaching network marketers to stop using the J.O.B. acronym
J ust
O ver
B roke
and multiple other concepts and ideas that most human beings on the planet can relate with. In this session Dale will go deep into the psychological principle of “confirmation bias” as well as a recent Gallup Poll that should make all serious network marketing distributors, STOP and THINK.
Websites referenced in this podcast
Gallup Pole Survey
The Blogging Hoax
The Network Marketing Leadership Development Academy
MLM Mindsets Double Audio CD Program on Amazon
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Dale has always believed and taught that network marketing is about generational wealth. It is for those that can dream big and take action on their dreams. As he has said many times if you want to make a couple of hundred dollars a month, “sell hammers at flea markets”.
In this session Dale will share a unique games plan with 7 profound thoughts that ultimately create high incomes and duplicating teams with the network marketing profession.
Websites referenced in this podcast
Dale’s MLM Mindsets Double CD Course The Lost Secret of Network Marketing Success
The Road to $10,000 a Month in Network Marketing
The 5 Core Fundamentals of Network Marketing Success
Inspire Greatness or Cater to Mediocrity Article
Dale’s Change Your Financial Mindset book on Audible
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parents home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success…
The MLM Minute…
Dale Calvert…
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Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
It is no Secret that the START STOPS most people when it comes to building their network marketing business. Dale has talked about helping new members get their business launched correctly in multiple podcast and articles and on the recorded training here:
However in this session Dale is talking to distributors who got their businesses started successfully but are finding it challenging to continue to progress and move forward.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
You are already Successful video here:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
In this session Dale gets deeply personal and shares some insights regarding his life and background that he has never shared before on this podcast.
Dale has been quoted for expressing. “Every day of my life I attempt to put my time and energy into business projects and people that are IMPORTANT and ignore everything and everybody else.”
In this session Dale will share how he arrived at this philosophy and why he feels that the ability to FOCUS will be the most important entrepreneurial trait moving forward at this time in history.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
In this podcast Dale will share an insight that every successful network marketing leader has experienced at some point in their career. As Dale has communicated multiple times, this business model is not about a few hundred extra dollars a month, it is about wealth creation and making a huge impact on the path of people’s life.
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
You have DECIDED you are going to build a network marketing team, now what. As hard as it is to hear, it sincerely is the C word. Commitment. In this session Dale will discuss why members of your team find it difficult to make a real commitment to their business, and how you can help them decide, commit, and move forward.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Spinning Plates Training
5 Core Fundamentals
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
As Dale has communicated the past couple of weeks nobody should expect to maximize their true upside potential with the network marketing business model until they have decide to develop a full-time income, and make a serious commitment to their business. This was the training that led to a lot of the principles Dale teaches today, including the 90 Day Run, 4 Beliefs, and several more that you have probably heard.
We feel it would be very valuable for you to write down and answer the questions that Dale covers at the end of the trainings and answer them honestly.
Websites referenced in this podcast:
5 Core Fundamentals
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
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MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
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Internalizing this concept will take your business to a new level will. It is the magic that takes you from an Amateur recruiter to a Pro.
This training was conducted a weekly meeting for Dale’s organization back in the mid-nineties in Louisville, Kentucky.
There were over 500 people in attendance with over 40 five, six, and 7 figure earners from his personal team.
The reason we add many of these sessions to this podcast is just to validate some things will never change. As a leader you have
the decision. Do Inspire people or cater to their mediocrity? Sadly, most of us agree that in today’s network marketing space
a leader is considered someone with a following. We will continue to remind our podcast listener’s what Bryan Tracy has to say
on this subject. “Real leaders don’t develop followings, they develop other leaders” The audio quality of this training is not
the best, but we feel the message will be beneficial for all our listeners.
Have a journal handy when you listen to this episode, there are many take-aways you don’t want to miss!
Supporting Websites
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Yes, times have changed. Today much of the activities necessary to build your business can be done online. However the mentality of building a business instead of participating in a hobby has not changed. Are you building a business, or participating in a hobby? This is an important distinction that all network marketers must establish in their minds. If this idea makes sense you will enjoy and benefit from this training given by Steve.
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here
Jumping Hurdles. In today’s politically correct network marketing world the message is you are good enough, you can do it with the skills and mindsets you enter the industry with, the truth is 97% of people can’t and the 3% that can run into all kinds of duplication challenges a year or so after their launch. The goal of most “leaders” seems to be attempting to keep people excited, ignorant and on auto-ship for as long as possible. There are more distractions today at any time in history. Dale has said multiple times over the past six months, the ability to FOCUS is going to be the most important entrepreneurial skill from this point forward. To call this a politically correct message would be a lie. So prepare. This training was done live in Huntsville, Alabama and Dale talks about the concept of Gritting Teeth and Jumping Hurdles.
Websites Referenced in this Podcast
I think it is fair to say that after 37 years in the network marketing profession as a frustrated distributor, six figure earner, million dollar earner, corporate VP of sales & company owner, Dale sees network marketing opportunities through different colored glasses than most.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, and if the information covered makes sense for you, please subscribe to our channel.
Dale Calvert is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Calvert Marketing Group. He started his first business at 14, a mail order business, from his parent’s home. Today, Dale, his wife Dawn and a small staff of 10 people operate 4 businesses in 4 different niches
Dale is also a public speaker, bestselling author and has been featured on every TV network and in multiple entrepreneurial books, articles and publications.
Dale is the host of the No Fluff Network Marketing & MLM Success podcast, highlighting real success stories from real people and leadership principles and concepts required to build duplicating network marketing teams.
Follow Dale online here:
You Tube Channels
MLM Success
The MLM Minute
Dale Calvert
Linked In
Dale’s Speaker website
Dale’s Podcast
Dale’s Personal Development Programs
Subscribe to Dale’s VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and giveaways here