Bitcoin has moved from about 21K to 25K over the past 7 days so what does that mean if anything?

Over the past few months, I have been following blue-chip cryptos closely, but have not had much self-education time.

Everyone seems to be looking for signs to confirm if the crypto bear market is indeed over and done with.

Naturally, our main focus was on Bitcoin (BTC, Tech/Adoption Grade “A-”) and Ethereum (ETH, Tech/Adoption Grade “B”), because historically, they have always confirmed the turn in crypto market cycles.

But at the present time, the altcoin market has also started to move.

Many altcoins lost as much as 90% off their peak values during this bear market, but they have now started reclaiming some of those losses to start off 2023. In fact, numerous altcoins have already doubled in price since January 1st.

In this special session, Mr. Calvert will share with you his plan & approach to the crypto market in 2023.

Websites & Articles Reference in this Session:

As Dale states in this session before this next Bull Run at the very least he recommends that you set up a Free Crypto Trading account with USA based coin base, and use some of your business profit to invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Use this link and receive $10 worth of Bitcoin free.

Dale mentions in 2023 he is going to be focused more on stacking Ethereum even more than Bitcoin. This article explains why.


Learn How to Get $100 in Free Bitcoin when you set up your Crypto IRA

Top 10
SYMBOL Current Price All Time High XRP .40 3.30 FET .40 1.19 AGIX .40 .40 ADA .40 3.10
GALA .05 .84 SAND .80 8.44 SOL $26.00 $235.00 ALI .04 .09 AR 13.00 90.94 LINK 8.05 52.88

Why you should keep an eye on Elon, Shiba Inu & DogeCoin

Gala Games Information

Plug and Play Crypto Insights

Sandbox Information

Political Crypto Currency Corruption

Mr. Calvert’s crypto website is here.