Everything we do and teach is for what I call the 27%ers. These are honest, hardworking, teachable people that haven’t given up on their dream. It is my pleasure to introduce you to one of them today in this session, Mr. Flavio from Streamwood, Illinois.
I have such respect for Flavio, and those like him, that take the responsibility to become self-educated, and then APPLY what they learn.

When I started the MLM Success podcast in 2015 it was my hope that those that tired of the fluff and the social club MLM had become and wanted to build a real business, would find this podcast.

As some of you know we also did a podcast series called Your First Year in Network Marketing and that is how many found the MLM Success podcast, now called THE NEW ERA OF WEALTH BUILDING.

I had no idea that someone would take the First Year in Network Marketing series, translate it to Spanish and record it on audio CDs so that they could hand it out to their downline, but somebody did, and one of those CDs landed in our special guest hands.

As you will hear Flavio has persisted in this business model for over 15 years, started with Amway, and had stents with Valentus, Ariix, and a couple more with limited success. Today he has put himself on track to earn six figures, in his first six months with our opportunity and we are excited to share his story with you.