As you listen to this session, I think it will become obvious why Dale & Sue deployed 153+ Loop Players in their first 90 days creating a $15,000+ passive monthly income.


In this session, you will learn why B2B sales reps, advertising sales companies, and outside sales reps consider the passive income opportunity available with Ihub Meta to be the best income generator that has ever existed.

Because of smart contracts on the blockchain, digital currency and decentralized finance Ihub Global has created an opportunity for representatives in the B2B space that simply wasn’t even available a couple of years ago.

Dale and Sue Whitney have many successful years Operating PathFinder Attractions, a company that works with small business owners to support their advertising and promotions efforts. They are pros in the digital advertising space and are a great support and valuable member of our CMG Ihub Meta Team.

They saw the BIG PICTURE & hit the ground running immediately sharing the unique opportunity with their existing client base and new clients. They deployed 153+ Loop Players in their first 90 days creating a $15,000+ passive income their first 90 days.

They have a vision for getting 1,000 plus players in the market place which would create over a million-dollar annual income for their business.

 If you live in the New England area or anywhere in the USA and would like to learn more about the opportunity you can reach Dale & Sue here. Dale Whitney & Sue Whitney PathFinder Attractions, LLC 802-999-8638


Website for more info for business owners: