In what network marketing company in the world has anyone taken 5 newbies with little or no network marketing experience, but definitely no team, and helped them all create at least a thousand dollar monthly residual income? IN THEIR FIRST TWO MONTHS?
You do realize that in today’s social club network marketing environment, nobody in your company or any company has come close to this type of accomplishment?
In fact, the #1 guy on Mike’s team has created a $15,000 + passive residual income without sponsoring anyone. His name is Dave West has zero direct sales or network marketing experience; he is an electrician.
So needless to say, this is a session you need to pay close attention to.
If you looked up the Phrase “Whatever it Takes” in the dictionary you should see Mike Culver’s picture. I have only known Mike less than a year, but over that time the respect that I have for him and his wife Erin has grown and I am proud to call them friends and business associates.
Mike Culver is an example of many former network marketing leaders that are discovering the unique team-building opportunity Ihub Global is offering burnt-out leaders. People who at one time led teams and have sworn off network marketing forever are joining our team every week.
In this session, you will learn exactly why Mike decided to join our CMG Digital Ihub Global Team.
You will hear strong evidence on why real entrepreneurs don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk and do whatever it takes to continue to move forward on their journey.
Mike Culver is from Wisconsin and he is an excellent example of what persistence looks like. We know you are going to enjoy this session, ladies, and gentlemen it is my pleasure to share with you the story of my friend and business associate Mike Culver.