In this session Dale will share with you deep insights as it relates to lead generation and recruiting new members on your network marketing team.
Dale will also reveal why the #1 way to recruit people has always been #1 and always will be.
In this down to earth common sense episode Dale will share with you why the business model has moved away from wisdom and towards ideas that sound good on the surface but have proven not to work against natural human instinct. After this episode you will never look and lead generation and recruiting the same way.
Before you listen to this session ask yourself this question. If a normal looking person walked up to you in a big box store and said, I need a favor, can you help me out? What would your personal response be?
This is not a trick question. Really, how would you respond? Go it? Now listen to this episode not from a mental state based upon a philosophy you may have been sold, but from a down to earth, basic human nature perspective.
For a deeper insights on this topic watch the free recorded webinar